like a song that's stuck in my mind.
Take this for what it’s worth
This song, my smile
Now take this for what it’s worth
This song, my smile

Would it be okay?
Would it be okay if I took your breath away? ♥
You bring out the best of me. ♥
I’ve always loved you ever since the first day that I met you:$
Marijn; one year!8)
Algemene info
Leeftijd 34
Geboortedatum 13/3/1990
Geslacht v
Status geheim
Registratie 08/01/09 18:02
1hond lucky genoemd
drum & bass ; electro ; punk-rock ; ...
shoppen, zwemmen, bazaar in bocholt, festivallen, ..
you gave me a feeling that i adore ; i love you...<3
your sex is on fire
21/10/13 20:48
08/10/13 17:07
27/09/12 16:40
11/03/12 20:21
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