Society: just be yourself
Also society: no, not like that
"In truth, the fear of rejection never ends. It continues, even in quite sane people, on a daily basis, with frequently difficult consequences - chiefly because we refuse to pay it sufficient attention and aren't trained to spot its counter-intuitive symptoms in others.
We haven't found a good way to keep admitting just how much reassurance we need."
Won't show the paranoia
Or the constant inner fight
I hate being with people
Cause I have to wear my mask
Pretend I'm something special
When I'm just a broken man
It's like no one really knows me
Just the character I play
So tired of being human
So tired of all these games
"Our sense of who we are allowed to be and what we can do is held prisoner by the shocks of the past."
Momenteel: The school of life
28/09/20 16:53
09/02/20 17:28
15/11/19 14:50
Leeftijd 32
Geboortedatum 22/4/1992
Geslacht m
Woonplaats Leuven
Status vrijgezel
School KU Leuven
Richting Master klinische psychologie
Registratie 12/11/19 21:03